Anton Colors

Beingness colors:


Beingness expression: Very grounded, stable, unmistakably, undeniably here, like the earth, the dirt and the ground is here. No positives, no desires, no 'frills'. Very 'in touch with' the simplicity, groundedness, stability, uncomplicatedness of life. Not going into highs of energy/excitedness or wants/needs/desires but being at peace with the simplicity of and as earth/ground.
Unconditionally supportive as the earth/ground. The embodiment of support and simplicity as earth. An acceptance of self as the fabric of the universe, the dirt and ground of and as earth as life, as that which makes up life itself, that which is the very ground from which life emerges.

External Support: Living room table (that which stands as the center point of 'support' within the living room)

Mind polar opposite: feeling dependent on other people. creating that experience/perception of 'lack' of having foundation/support as represented within the mind by 'family' and 'relationships'. So the belief/perception of 'I have no family/relationships so therefore I have no support/foundation in this world or in myself', 'and therefore I cannot feel stable/at ease/comfortable'.

By accepting all those mind systems as beliefs, perceptions, reactions, you allow yourself to 'undermine' your self-foundation - as you allow yourself to 'fall' into the emotional experiences of loneliness, lostness, lack of support, giving up, depression, sadness, despair.

From mind polar opposite to beingness expression: you'll basically have to, in moments when you see yourself going into that point of desire and want for relationships/family within and as the belief that "to have relationships/family = support" and the emotional experiences of loneliness, lostness, lack of support, sadness, depression, giving up, despair - live the word support within and as you as a living word, as a point of not accepting yourself to 'fall' into the emotions and undermine your stability/foundation but remaining stable in the face of what the mind brings up - where, the point of self-support is the point of 'holding yourself up'/'holding yourself together' rather than allowing yourself to fall apart when it comes to emotions.


Beingness expression: An excitedness about expression. An appreciation for expression. Celebrating expression. Making space, making room for expression to take place and form. A nurturing, supporting and gentle guidance of expression. A joy within watching expression form and take place. "I am OK with simply being a point of support for life's expression to grow and take shape." "I am the soil from which expression may grow and I will nurture and nourish like the earth nourishes that which grows upon it."

 Nothing is left out. A warmness that is unconditional and unlimited.

External Support: T-shirt(what I stand for and show of me to the world), Jacket(what I represent as my living statement), backpack/briefcase (how I carry myself)

 Mind polar opposite: 
non-involvement, non-participation as a suppression of self due to a fear of getting hurt.
Participating in self-judgment wherein you create the point of 'hurt' within yourself.

Support color: 

Deep red

Supportive expression: Recognizing, embracing and being in touch with the depth of self. Developing/having a strong relationship with self. Being very intimate with oneself on a deep level. Having ones self-relationship as ones primary focus. Being very passionate about developing, nurturing, exploring and strengthening ones self-relationship. Not allowing anything or anyone else come before or in between ones self-relationship. "Being in a deep embrace with oneself."

From mind polar opposite to beingness expression: So with this color being a 'support color' for you, specifically in relation to that experience of 'hurt' within yourself from which you suppress yourself, essentially it's about being more authoritive about what you accept and allow to exist within you.

 To nurture and strengthen your self-relationship is to look inward at how you are treating yourself and to let go of all the experiences, thoughts and basically everything inside of yourself where you see that you are being hurtful, neglectful and abusive with yourself.

so it's essentially still about living the word support. to be more supportive with yourself, rather than allowing yourself to fall into emotional experiences wherein you 'hurt' yourself.

External support: socks (how I walk in this world)
so wearing socks in this color would be like making a statement and decision that 'how I walk in this world' is within placing my self-relationship first.

New Expression Color

Rosy pink

Not noisy or obnoxious, almost like it goes through you - like it doesn't scream at you but goes through you. There's a femininity as that ability a woman has to be extremely graceful that you sometimes don't even notice that she is supporting you, because she finesses her way through you. Within  that, there is a 'self-standing'. It's like smoke, permeating everything, yet not giving any resistance or being demanding at all. In a way it's like the brown color in it's groundedness and undemandingness, yet with this color there is at the same time that softness and care and kind of 'feminine' support. To be fully here but still allowing others the center stage in some sense. There is a suppression of the 'self' that seeks attention and wants to feel important. A 'quieting of the ego'. Just like a contentedness with 'not being important' and 'not standing in the spotlight'.

Not so much about 'giving up on' importance but more about realizing that 'importance doesn't exist within 'what other people think of you'  and 'other people's opinions of you' but to be important is to look at how you can 'matter' and what you can do and how you can apply yourself in a way that is going to be 'real'.

External support: Pants (=your self-direction/how you direct yourself and the decision you live by)
