Self-Creation Color (a self-created expression):
and valuing oneself intensely. Having great regard for oneself. Seeing
oneself as extremely precious and caring greatly for oneself. Honoring
and placing one's 'inner core' before everything. Realizing that to
honor and care for and cherish oneself deeply is the most important
thing in existence. "Only having eyes for self" "If no one else is going
to honor me, then I will". Having a profound appreciation and love for
one's existence. Knowing that, "I will ALWAYS stand by me, no matter
what", "I will ALWAYS care for me and be here for me and love and
cherish me", "I will never abandon myself and I will always treat myself
like I am a baby in my own arms".
Mind color:

a 'love' for others, in a way where it actually forms a sort of 'veil'
over one's eyes and sort of 'pacifies' oneself, as one sees things
through the eyes of 'feelings' rather than seeing things in a 'sober'
way. Seeing 'love' as the solution and trusting 'love' to be the answer.
Believing that "it FEELS like it's the answer, so it MUST be the
answer". Feeling/believing that, because it is so 'heartfelt', as in
experienced 'close to the heart', it must be 'real'. Where, this 'love'
experience in relation to people actually keeps one from 'seeing'
reality as one's 'seeing' is contained within this singular dimension.
In a way this 'love' is based on a resistance to truly see the reality
of human beings - a resistance to seeing the 'bad', the 'negative'. It's
in fact a deliberate self-suppression as one has decided that 'this is a
part of reality that I am not willing to see'. There's a sort of
'drunkenness' on these particular feelings, as one is using the feelings
to 'numb' oneself and keep oneself distracted from 'sobering up' and
facing reality.
Beingness color:

sober. Not creating any 'embezzlements' to reality. Being very 'dry',
clear-cut and 'straight-up' about things. 'Holding reality within and as
self' in a way where one does not 'make any illusions' about what's
real and what's going on. Not having any 'feelings' in relation to
reality but realizing that reality just is what it is and how it is and
one must be 'serious' in a way - as in, not having feelings - to 'be
real' and really be here and see what's real. To stand purely with and
as what and how reality is in fact. To not get caught up in 'anything
that isn't real', like feelings, emotions and thoughts. Seeing reality
almost like a business, knowing that emotions and feelings don't mix
with business. When you run or deal with a business you have to stick to
the pure factual reality and not have any 'personal involvements',
reactions or experiences. Things have to be handled in a 'dry',
'uncomplicated', structural and systematic kind of way. Understanding
that it's within being 'serious' and 'dry' and 'purely factual' that one
has the greatest power to steer and guide and direct reality, as it is
within a business as well. Having a very 'leadership-oriented' self.
Able and willing to stand in and as the point of leadership, of
'steering the ship'. Being very 'powerful' and having great ability and
potential to stand in a position of power by having this kind of
approach to and relationship with reality.
Self-Honesty Color (the depth in which you see into yourself):

into myself as long as it doesn't get uncomfortable. I will see into
myself but only those parts that suit me. I cover the rest up with a
blanket. I am creating a depth within myself, yet I am steering clear of
the 'darker' zones. There where I don't really want to go because it
makes me feel uncomfortable. "It is fine for me to not go there, because
I am still creating this depth." Yet, the depth I'm creating is
remaining superficial because I'm not willing to break through into the
'real darkness' because it scares me. I have made the decision with
myself that I will simply not go there. I will avoid going there and
facing that 'deep darkness' because it's just not how I want to
experience myself. I will just stay here in the shallower end where it's
still pleasant. But yet, I do at the same time sense that I am 'holding
myself back'. That there is so much more that I am not exploring and
that I'm thus keeping myself limited. I may push through but for now
this is where I'm staying.
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