Miranda Colors

Mind Color (the 'who you are' you've defined yourself as within the mind):

 Being very good at presenting oneself in a way that 'fits' into the system. Very 'tuned in to' what's considered 'good' and 'bad' from the perspective of survival. Very 'integrated' into the system in terms of how one should act, behave and express oneself in order to 'survive'. Good at 'playing the game'. Not having an 'individuality' or 'uniqueness' because one's 'identity' exists within and as one's 'system identity'. Being settled and comfortable within 'knowing who I am in the system'.

How do you live this color:

Within my current position, being an expert working with policy makers. I totally fit in with them. They represent the system and the laws and the rules and I blend in with them very well.

I do this on purpose to be able to work with them. When they find out I am no threat to them I can slowly but surely start expressing myself and my own voice, so it is a strategic move from me in working with the system. When there is a foundation of trust, I will slowly but surely 'show myself'.

 Beingness Color:

 'Nothing exists but me'. Only seeing and being aware of oneself. Existing in and as the eternal  peacefulness and calmth of oneself wherein nothing exists but self. There's no ripples, no movement because 'there exists nothing outside of me'. Strong individuality as in 'being yourself' and not being influenced or defined by anything outside of yourself. "I know who I am and I don't need to change myself for anyone or anything outside of me". There is also no reason why I should be any different from who and how I am. There is a 'blending in' yet at the same time an individuality. There is no resistance. It's a 'natural' blending in. An amalgamation of me and my environment where we are one and the same.

How is this different from the mind color: With the mind color there is a very slight dimension of separation, within the point of believing that 'I am not yet me. Once people trust me then I can start sharing myself.' While in fact, you are already living and expressing 'you', you just need to realize it and drop the point of separation as the belief.

External support: A wall in the bedroom as the bedroom represents one's 'deep relationship with oneself'.

Beingness Color: 

Support Color:
