Anna Colors

Mind-programming Color:

Intense, emergency, must do things now! Things need to be directed, it's very important. Quick, quick, quick. It's urgent that things be done. There are certain things that I must do before I can relax and be settled. I can't accept myself until I'm done with all these things. I am not complete until I do all these things.

How do I live this color:

I don't like when things are incomplete. Like a physical experience in a way where I can't settle inside myself if things arent complete. The other side of it is also that it's a self-confidence where I feel like I am inherently like a bad person and I need to prove myself to be better. And I feel like this around everything.

I feel like I would wreak havoc on the world as in not having any self-control, cause I am too 'wild'.

I don't trust myself to take care of my own life. so there's a belief that I need to have this programming to take care of my life.

I am kind of messy and organic, like not very structured in how I move through the world and that is something I don't accept about myself and think I should change. There is also the point of wanting attention and wanting to be in the center of attention cause I think you're not allowed to be in center focus. I also don't have a lot of inner morality about things that are considered morally wrong, which is also something I think I shouldn't accept about myself.

The color is this energy I use to make myself do the things I need to do. It's this thing like 'I need to control myself and behave like a normal person'. So there is a belief of myself as defined within what I do. As a belief that 'if I am myself as this wildness then I will not do the things that need to be done'.

Practical application: Whenever I go into the energy around doing things in my physical reality where I start moving really quickly as though I am 'pulling myself together', I see, realize and understand that I am coming from the belief that I cannot trust myself because I don't have any 'structure' as I am just this 'wildness' and that therefore I also will not do what needs to be done in my physical reality.

I then commit myself to live self-trust as in placing my trust in what I realize, see and understand as common sense rather than trusting the mind as beliefs and so realizing for instance that I can embrace and accept that wildness as me internally while still having an awareness and understanding of what needs to get done on a practical physical level and that thus I don't need to move myself physically from the starting point of fear.

 Beingness Color:
