Beingness color:
two-in-one beingness colorExtremely confident with oneself. Not having any point of insecurity, doubt, anxiety or uncertainty wherein you diminish your self-expression but standing absolute within and as your self-expression.
Stable and grounded. A 'confiding-in-self'. A knowing that "I am here with me and I will stand by me and support me. I only need myself to be supported and cared for and appreciated. I give myself everything that I need so I need no one else."
a warm blanket that is extended around me wherein I am comfortable with being with me
Beingness Expression:
"in your face", bold. 'Going for what you want'. Being unscrupulous, uninhibited and self-assured within how you express yourself. Sensitive and soft yet loud and expressive with a presence that 'demands to be heard'. Honoring your own expression in a way that makes you 'scream it loud and proud'. Intensely honoring, respecting, regarding, admiring and expressing yourself. Placing your self-expression on a pedestal, recognizing that what is most important is 'you'.
Realizing that reality isn't as 'serious' as the mind makes it out to be and that confidence and self-expression exists within letting go of that 'seriousness' and being more playful. Having fun within expressing yourself. No strings attached, no expectations, fluid and free. Knowing that 'I only need myself', 'I only need me to love and cherish me'.
Mind Polarity Opposite:
Great fear of being alone, which is something major in my life. Lack of self-trust. It's this fear of not being successful or fear of not shining in the world and being. Kind of thinking that the feedback of my environment defines me, rather than 'only needing me'. I tend to seek for the comfort and confidence in the feedback and validation of my environment. There's a general anxiety around the feedback and it's like i shake in a way. Like I try to get to the point of living these colors but there is always the anxiety. So instead of having this strong 'me', i am always shaking and nervous.
I am looking for 'signs' outside of myself that i am doing the 'right things' and when these signs arent there i get anxious.
I want to share myself with others and I want to shine and in the moments its like an expression of me but then the after effect is that i start doubting myself and get all this social anxiety. So it's weird cause I like socializing but then I get social anxiety.
Because of all these emotional burdens I ended up in apathy where I don't feel passionate about things anymore.
External Support: sweater (who I am in relation to myself)
Supportive Color:
Bright Yellow
liveliness. Acceptance, warmth, like the sunshine. Relaxing. emersed in the experience of relaxation. it's as it is. It's just there. Doesnt need anything to compliment it, it's just kind of there. just being ok with how things are. Cause it has life in itself, it's nourishing in itself. It doesnt need the other colors. It feeds back its brightness onto itself. Being at peace with self, accepting self.
Nourishing. Self-supportive, self-nourishing. Feedback in and onto itself. Being OK with how things are. Just being.
Practical application: In moments where you see yourself going into self-judgment, anxiety, doubting yourself, second guessing yourself - to live live the word self-support and self-nourishing.
Support color:
Fleshy Pink
no pretenses, no masks. 'Being OK with the naked me'. Not trying or pretending to be something or someone for anyone. Not having any 'self-image'. 'I' exist when I let go of the 'I' of the mind. I can finally breathe by letting go of any concern of what people think of me. There is so much freedom in just not caring about my image.
How can I practically live this color? To realize that the stress I experience in relation to the world around me is self-created through what I accept and allow myself to participate in within my thoughts and reactions. To within this realization, understand that I therefore have the ability to decide to, instead of holding on to stress and fear, confide-in-me. A 'being close with myself', trusting in myself, being with myself. Being 'home' within myself.
External support: Scarf (= How I express myself. From expressing myself from the starting point of fear and stress to expressing myself from the starting point of a 'confiding-in-me')
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