Kurt Colors

Color you're living now:

 Color expression:
Alertness, aliveness, sharp, fresh, awake. Very in tune with and knowing your way around the money system. savvy and knowing. Very business-sharp. Good at seeing the things that's needed to survive and working the system in order to do it.

 Moving, pushing forward, running, force of life, to go through challenges, to pick up the responsibility, to take on my shoulders. Being the point of support, "I have to take care of ...(my family)" and having the ability to do so.

Rushing, being in energy, "yes lets go!". Considering everything and then rushing into it and then finally hitting my head as consequence.

Pull of energy as rushing to something new as part of an ideal, wanting certain things and pushing certain things and not considering things and then getting stuck.

Rush of energy as a sense of power  within having an overview of and insight into the system and being able to see what needs to be done to move the system in the right way for you to get from it what you want/need and having the ability to attract money to myself. Having the right skills, assertiveness to be successful in the system.

Even though you have the ability to see how things work and see clearly what needs to be done, because of the energy, you actually end up compromising things.

So this skill/ability of seeing and having oversight of how the system works and what is needed to move the parts you need to move to create a specific result is very cool. The issue is the starting point of energy from which you motivate and move yourself, where you then end up creating consequences as you were 'blinded by the energy'.

'Chasing highs' and losing yourself within chasing the 'highs' of power/money/success. Consequences of chasing the highs of energy within moving yourself in the system is to eventually go into depression, feeling defeated, feeling inferior and not good enough.

 Support color:

This color will support you with how to direct and change the energy starting point within your ability of seeing/moving the system.

Color expression:
The world is your oyster. Everything is on my feet and i just need to step in and do the actions.

  Moving with more consideration. Gratefulness within addressing and directing what is here. Being more assertive. Considering more what is in physical reality. Having more the big picture without the energy to put all the pieces together to align reality to push, move, address and do the movements.

To spread my ability within more areas. Not taking so many risks. Removing the danger. Moving more within a smarter point as being more secure in what I'm doing. Doing my actions based on physical cross-checking several times. Having my actions verified and validated. Trusting my self, my decisions, of what I am doing much more. Self-trust, self-movement, self-expression, self-forgiving, clearing myself in my past and in my ways.

Correcting the starting point from moving from the mind as energy as chasing highs to being ok with self, embracing and accepting and forgiving self. Realizing that I am enough as I am here.

External support: business shirt(who I am in relation to the system) , scarf/sjawl(how I express myself in relation to this world), umbrella (how I shelter/protect/care for myself)

 Beingness color:

Expression: "I'm being carried like a baby." I'm free and uninhibited to express and be. There is nothing and no one that is going to hold me back in any way because I am sweet, innocent and cuddly like a baby and everybody loves a baby. I am carried on the love and affection of everyone like I'm sitting on a soft, fluffy cloud, being held and carried with the utmost care, love and support. No one and nothing is ever going to hurt or harm me. Everyone I encounter is going to instantly fall in love with me cause I am just so soft and innocent like a squishy little baby. I wash away people's 'hard shell' because nobody can resist a baby. My unconditional vulnerability makes people drop their walls.

It is like being in the water loosing gravitation, loosing the heaviness, loosing the burden i have to carry. Its also like the color of the water in certain conditions i think i understand that color is me without all my responsibilities.

 Mind Polarity Opposite: like live is harsh, i have to perform and work hard, I'm full of full of anger, frustration, irritation and annoyance, i live and apply spite, i'm spiteful, easily get emotional, and manytimes i did  harm myself not necessary physical but harming my future, my relationships friends etc. sometimes destroying myself and those around me, and yes is exactly opposite of what I'm living right now...

From Mind Polar Opposite to Beingness Expression: You need to realize that you are actually a lot more capable than you tell yourself you are when it comes to your ability to direct points inside yourself. The forgiveness should more be in relation to you playing a game with yourself, as if you don't know or aren't capable of or are a victim to the anger, when in fact you know that you can actually just let go at any time. More like being honest with yourself about who you really are, because you know that you are not this victim character that you are playing when it comes to your emotions.

External Support:  As 'external support' what is testing out is 'carpet at work' . 'Carpet at work' standing for your 'stance' within the world system. It's about the point of you being honest with yourself about who you really are in relation to your emotions regarding the world. or the world system more specifically, as represented by your 'office'.
